How To Preserve Knowledge Within An Organization
Did you know that the quote "If only Hp knew what Hp knows, we would be three times more productive" by HP's CEO Lew Platt can be subjected to several interpretations? It could be from the angle that Hp as a whole isn't harnessing the several promising potentials that Hp has or Hp is not properly managing the premise of structure and organization in which it was built upon which is restricting them from being three times more productive. In essence, this writes up would be tied to both interpretations in reference to the preservation of knowledge within an organization.
The following are the ways to efficiently preserve knowledge within an organization which would boost productivity;

Sensitive Information Should Remain Within Boundaries Of The Organization
In an organization where inter-communication cannot be controlled, dissemination of sensitive information should be carefully mapped out. A new invention or modification of a product or project should not be announced publicly. This means that when groundbreaking developments have been made, only some selected individuals who are key players in the organization should know about such developments and ensure it stays within the boundaries of the organization.
The Key Players In The Organization Should Ensure That People Hear Only What They Want Them To
Let's face the fact, people would always talk to people. This is a factor that can't be controlled but can be managed well. In a situation where it is an established fact that information tends to slip past the intended boundary then the blind spots should be played on. If the organization has discovered that several arms of the organization are responsible for the profit of the whole organization then it shouldn't be presented as such. Only the key players should know the actual numbers because the future of the organization relies on such vital information and it's better if the information remains restricted to only a few.

Codified Messages Could Also Be Adopted
In circumstances where the level of productivity of an organization rests on the circulation of information, all efforts should be dedicated to protecting such information. Adopting encrypted means of sending messages the organization would not be a bad idea. If a message is to be circulated within the organization with the knowledge of the risks surrounding the message then encryption is advised. Access to such messages could be through retina scan, thumbprints and other forms of encryption.
To ensure productivity within an organization certain information which determines the productivity of the organization should be highly guarded against unauthorized persons to avoid any form of compromise and decline of expectancy.